
In Bandung there are many different types of siomao (Bandung called)  variations based on its contents, ranging from mackerel fish siomai and meat. Siomai which has mackeral fish as the main ingredient has more chewy texture and a whitest. Siomai which has meat as the main ingredient has more dense texture and brownish colour. Siomai which has mackeral fish more widely sold in Bandung because it tastes better and more more savory then siomai meat. Both ofthese types siomai were served after the peanut sauce made of crushed peanuts and deluted with water.

By Dimas

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flo said...

In Bandung there are many different types of siomao (SPELLING) variations based on its contents, ranging from mackerel fish siomai and meat (PARALLEL STRUCTURE). Siomai which has mackeral fish as the main ingredient has more chewy texture and a whitist (WHAT'S THIS?). Siomai which has meat as the main ingredient has more dense (COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE FORM) texture and brownish colour. Siomai which has mackeral fish more widely sold (MISSING ONE WORD IN THIS PASSIVE VOICE)in Bandung because it tastes better and more more savory then siomai meat (MISSING ONE WORD IN THIS PARALLEL STRUCTURE). Both ofthese types siomai (MISSING SPACE AND MISSING WORD)were served after the peanut sauce made of crushed peanuts and deluted with water (I DON'T THINK ONLY CRUSHED PEANUT DILUTED IN WATER IS DELICIOUS. PLEASE EXPLAIN TO AVOID MISUNDERSTANDING FOR FOREIGNERS)

Dyllan said...


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